Wednesday, 25 November 2015

Forex and Yoga

Trading the Forex Market requires a lot of patience. Sometimes it feels like you are going the wrong way or sabotaging yourself. Other times you are entering a trade too early or exiting too late. Then there are those days where you see everything clearly but you don't act all. And my favorite days, when you are at peace with yourself and you everything just goes your way.

Recently I started practicing yoga 5 days a week again. And I'm not talking about the stereotypical stretching and a little bit of exercise, we're talking breath taking, challenging, omg I don't know why I do this, type of yoga.

Five years ago it all started with a Groupon (and I have to admit some hot babes), Yoga really help me work of some steam, relax, and provide some variety to my Boxing and Muay Thai Training at the time. About 1 year ago I was hopping around different Yoga places, it's not easy to find a great Yoga place here in Thailand, let alone a good one, and I started practicing 5 days a week, Ashtanga. I never had sweated so much (in a cold yoga room) and lost 10 lbs, got lean, felt great, and calm.

Six months ago I moved and given my new location and available yoga teachers, I ended up only being able to go 2 to 3 times a week. Better than nothing but definitely not as good as 5 days a week. What a difference it makes when you push yourself 5 days a week.

So what does that have to do with trading Forex? A few things...
  1. If you haven't done so in a while, commit to trading every day and see how it changes your trading style. Watch the market and get into the groove.
  2. Just like in Yoga, you will find bumping up your frequency of trading will push you further.
  3. Regular trading (and yoga) will give you confidence that with every new day, there will be a new opportunity to work on your trade (or your yoga pose).
  4. Every day becomes a learning experience. 
  5. Practice is the mother of skill.
If you haven't tried yoga then I highly recommend you try it! 

Thursday, 12 November 2015

The perfect Forex Time Zone

When I lived in Vancouver BC Canada I used to get up at 5am to trade the US Market and dreaded it.  Back then I thought South East Asia would be perfect, because the Asian Session would open in the morning, Europe in the afternoon, and US in the evening.  And it is but...

Having lived in Thailand now for 2.5 Years I realized while the time zone here is perfect, the hours don't chive with my lifestyle or better put, my life style in Thailand.   In the evenings, just when the US Market Opens up, is when most of my friends want to meet, go for dinner, play Badminton, or just relax because it's cooling down.

During my last visit to Europe, to my surprise, my lifestyle and trading had a great balance.  In fact I was busier with life than I was with trading, and my trading was better.

A typical day in Europe... 

8am Frankfurt Opens.  I'm either sipping my first cup of coffee or waking up.
9am London Opens.  If I'm up, I check if there is any movement or upcoming news and look for some GBP or EURUSD trades.
12pm Lunch time. The markets usually die down, and I go for lunch or do yoga.
3pm New York Opens.  If I'm not busy meeting friends then I will trade the US Market or US News.
6pm Dinner Time.  Cook, eat out, or meet with friends.
11pm  Tokyo Opens.  This is typically around my bed time, either I'm so tired from a 40km bikeride that I just take a quick glance to see if there is any action, maybe set some entry orders, or I'm still awake and have energy to trade a little more.

While this to me is a perfect day, focus on your lifestyle and schedule, and see when you can fit in some trading times, then it's a matter of trial and error and figuring out your trading style and technique that match your lifestyle.

Don't get me wrong.  I can trade pretty much anywhere, I just prefer the European Lifestyle and time zone.