Tuesday, 19 April 2016

Killing Time

Here you are trading the Forex Market, travelling the world, or living the life of a digital nomad.  No doubt you are a jetsetter and always on the go, doing something. Successful people (and traders) typically don't sit still, neither do travel bugs. 

Sometimes however you have time on your hands.  Perhaps it's a long layover...  a long-haul flight...  maybe you have an injury that needs heeling... you caught a travel bug... sun stroke..  your latest culinary adventure has you spending more time worshipping the porcelain god... or you simply have a lot of time on your hands because you only trade like an hour a day...

So what do you do when you have time to kill?

Sure I could go on about doing sports, yoga, etc, but lets face it, you are likely a tech savvy person, inspiring to be one, or you simply want to take advantage of what technology hast to offer.

Here are some ways to kill time:.
  • Kodi TV & Exodus - This is a great Interface for Streaming and Torrents.  You can use it on your laptop or buy a cheap Android TV box and install it. First download Kodi TV (formerly XBMC) and then install Exodus  

    UPDATE January 2017:  You can now download Free Telly, which makes Kodi & Exodus  Install even easier!!Download FREE TELLY HERE.
  • Trakt.Tv - This is a great site for keeping track of what TV show episodes you have watched.  Best part is that it synchronizes with multiple apps like Kodi and DuckieTV
  • Duckie TV -chrome app for keeping track of your favorite TV episodes, has a calendar view and lets you search for torrents on multiple sites.DuckieTV
  • German MediaThek - ORF, ZDF, ARD, and all the other Austrian / German / Swiss Broadcasting Stations have online stream.  AND you can download the TV series you like, for example Tatort, the longest running Crime Show in the world, running since 1970 and up to Episode 1000 or so. 

    But wait there is more.  You can download German MediaThek Shows with this hack.  It's a MeditaThek downloader:  http://www.chip.de/artikel/ORF-Mediathek-Download_47276441.html
  • Online Streams - Your favorite TV Broadcasting Stations will have streams you can enjoy overseas.  I like watching the CBC's Dragon's Den for example and guess what I can also get it with torrents :)
  • http://player.fm - Postcasting is back.  There has been a resurgence of quality content.  Player.FM synchronizes your podcasts across your devices and with your PC and Laptops.