Tuesday, 12 December 2023

The last 7 years

So you might be wondering, what happened in the last 7 years?  Where have I been? Why no trades?

Trading was going OK but I came across a consulting opportunity that not only earned me more but was guaranteed.  You see, I charge upfront for my consulting services which translates to guaranteed profits. Something forex just can't deliver.  Minus the stress, minus the uncertainty.  Plus I just needed a break and life style change.  I've said it before and I'll say it again, trading isn't difficult but it's keeping busy, focused, and a cool head is.   

I have to admit I made some bad trades 7 years ago and just didn't have a healthy life-work balance.  Living in Phuket as well was the wrong choice for me.  A tropical island sounds great but for me it just didn't work out.  You can only go to the beach so many times, and I've never been a beach person.  The timezone difference is a little bit of an issue and conflicted with my sports activities.

Now that I'm in Chiang Mai, in the north of Thailand, I do sports in the mornings and have evenings free to trade but seldom trade myself as I have a trading bot carrying out my strategies.  I do from time to time monitor live news and jump in to take a trade but most of the time I'm just fine tuning my bot,  programming new strategies during the day, and analyzing past trades.

All in all I'm the most relaxed and level headed I have been.   I also do not teach and do not take on students anymore.   I just focus on myself and my trading strategies.  I also do not take on investors.  I keep it simple and have no plans on complicating things.   

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