Happiness = Reality / Expectations
That formula can be applied to Forex as well. Keep it real, don't over trade, don't think in terms of dollars, and expect to make wild profits, several times a day.
Think long term, steady consistent growth, in pips and percentage of capital. For example a 10% return on investment per day. Multiply by 10 and you made 100%! That's a trade every other day. Quite achievable considering there are approximately 20 trading days per month.
Friday, 4 November 2016
Wednesday, 7 September 2016
Clash of Clans
It has been years since I played video games. Then my little nephew tells me of "Clash of Clans" and since it looks like Warcraft, which I played 20 years, I decide to install it... now I'm addicted!
The funny thing is...
Clash of Clans has made me a better trader!
Join my Clan
The funny thing is...
Clash of Clans has made me a better trader!
- Clash of Clans is a good addiction to keep me busy and away from trading when I'm bored.
- Clash of Clans lets me evaluate my "trading mind set". If I make mistakes in the game, I know I'm not fully awake and alert for trading.
- Strategy games challenge your mind and get your wheels turning. Quasi training your mind.
- Weekends are kept busy playing Clash of Clans to offset trading withdrawal.
Join my Clan
Forex Psychology,
Trading Psychology
Calgary, AB, Canada
Friday, 2 September 2016
Rally Time
You know what day it is? NFP - Non Farm Pay Roll Reports. First Friday of every month. It can be a roller coaster so if you're a newbie, stay out!
Non Farm Payroll Reports,
Rally Monkey,
Rally Time
Edmonton, AB, Canada
Thursday, 11 August 2016
Hope - We Don't Know
It's been a busy last couple months... traveled around Europe, then off to Western Canada where I've been to Calgary, Edmonton, and Vancouver. Hands down I like Vancouver the best. Used to live there and forgot how beautiful it was and how relaxed it can be if you know where to stay.
Where will I go to next? I don't know... I'm thinking San Antonio, Texas to see my aunt and then down to Columbia to check out the city of eternal spring in Medellin. One thing is for sure, cold weather does not agree with me.
As for my trading, I have come to the realization that I need to just forget about having a set rhythm. I need a plan without a plan. Getting up at 5am or 6am in Western Canada to trade the NY open is tough.... at first it was okay but gradually I started getting groggy and making bad trades.
The breakthrough I had was when my brother from another mother, Madman, said why do you get up early? Just trade when you can and feel like it. It's true... if I get up early and feel groggy then I don't go to the gym or practice yoga because I know I might not accomplish much or worse, injure myself. So why trade?? and possible injure my trade account?
This should be the trader's anthem...
Where will I go to next? I don't know... I'm thinking San Antonio, Texas to see my aunt and then down to Columbia to check out the city of eternal spring in Medellin. One thing is for sure, cold weather does not agree with me.
As for my trading, I have come to the realization that I need to just forget about having a set rhythm. I need a plan without a plan. Getting up at 5am or 6am in Western Canada to trade the NY open is tough.... at first it was okay but gradually I started getting groggy and making bad trades.
The breakthrough I had was when my brother from another mother, Madman, said why do you get up early? Just trade when you can and feel like it. It's true... if I get up early and feel groggy then I don't go to the gym or practice yoga because I know I might not accomplish much or worse, injure myself. So why trade?? and possible injure my trade account?

So if you're trading... trade when you feel like it, and stop when you're ahead.
NY Open,
Trader's Anthem,
US Session,
Vancouver, BC, Canada
Friday, 24 June 2016
ABC - Always Be Charting
What a crazy day for the Pound! There is nothing like making 500 pips within minutes or even seconds. Thank you Brexit :) One can get caught up in the volatility and be distracted by all the noise. Maybe not right away but give it 10, 20, 30 minutes, and if you aren't careful you can lose oversight.
Don't forget your ABC's!
Always Be Charting... when you are waiting for a setup, as you're monitoring a trade, ever so often, review your charts from lowest to highest time frame, look for Fibonacci's on news events, big moves, and be sure to check your support, resistance, and trendlines across multiple time frames and redraw where necessary. You always want to stay on top of current market conditions and setups, so don't let all the noise distract you, stay on top of your game and keep on pipping!
Don't forget your ABC's!
Always Be Charting... when you are waiting for a setup, as you're monitoring a trade, ever so often, review your charts from lowest to highest time frame, look for Fibonacci's on news events, big moves, and be sure to check your support, resistance, and trendlines across multiple time frames and redraw where necessary. You always want to stay on top of current market conditions and setups, so don't let all the noise distract you, stay on top of your game and keep on pipping!
Technical Analysis
Meidling, 1120 Vienna, Austria
Friday, 27 May 2016
the empty can rattles the most
New traders and some "experienced" traders alike remind me of an old Metallica song. "The empty can rattles the most". If you don't know that one, then you may have heard the saying "the squeaky wheel gets the most grease" or "all bark and no bite".
Just the other day I encountered a scenario of missing a TP by half a pip. I laughed because this used to happen to me all the time and I have been using Phantom Auto TP and SL's (undetectable by brokers) but on that day I happened to try a new strategy and used a manual TP and SL.
Just the other day I encountered a scenario of missing a TP by half a pip. I laughed because this used to happen to me all the time and I have been using Phantom Auto TP and SL's (undetectable by brokers) but on that day I happened to try a new strategy and used a manual TP and SL.
So I posted a picture on my facebook and instagram, thinking this would draw some LOLs and ROFLMAOs but instead just got newbie trader responses, words of "wisdom", and the like. That's the thing about Forex. Not many people will share your mindset and a lot of people just rattle a lot because they are new to trading or think they know it all.
That is why I stopped frequenting forums and bothering to share or exchange Forex strategies, it's difficult finding (successful) traders with a similar mind set. I also took a break from coaching Forex because it's just painful when newbies always think they know it all when they should be paying attention.
Alot of (newbie) traders...
say their trading is going great... but they aren't profitable yet
want a system... but aren't prepared to follow a system
want to make pips... but count dollars
want financial freedom... but talk about money non stop
want to make money... without spending any time, money, or effort
Burggasse-Stadthalle, 1070 Wien, Austria
Saturday, 21 May 2016
Key Performance Indicators
If you have ever run a business you will know KPIs are where it's at.
Key Performance Indicators (KPI) are must have statistics you need to get a true view into your business's profitability. You can run a seemingly successful business, produce lots of sales, always have line ups at your till, and sell out BUT if you're not profitable then what is it all good for?
Same goes for Forex. You need to do an inventory of your weekly, monthly, quarterly, and yearly profits, number of positive trades, negative trades, consecutive wins/losses, average drawdown, and put your trading performance in the hot seat. You can make all the great trades you want if just one or two trades wipe out your account.
It's about PIPs and KPIs, not dollars!
Don't get stuck on the almighty dollar. That's just a newbie mistake. Everyone's chasing the holy grail and making x amount of dollars every month and they forget about what matters. Pips. If you aren't making pips consistently then you won't be profitable in the long run. Sure, it's not exciting to trade with 0.01 or even 0.1 lots but that's not the point. If you're not making profits at 0.01 lots then you aren't making profits with 1.0 and you just saved yourself a bundle.
When you are consistently making pips, then only then can you scale your lots. Slowly increase your lot size, week after week. And when you are hitting a losing streak, you go back to a small lot size and figure out your mistake or what changes you need in your strategy.
It takes discipline. Otherwise you're just gambling and beginner's luck always runs out.
Key Performance Indicators (KPI) are must have statistics you need to get a true view into your business's profitability. You can run a seemingly successful business, produce lots of sales, always have line ups at your till, and sell out BUT if you're not profitable then what is it all good for?
Same goes for Forex. You need to do an inventory of your weekly, monthly, quarterly, and yearly profits, number of positive trades, negative trades, consecutive wins/losses, average drawdown, and put your trading performance in the hot seat. You can make all the great trades you want if just one or two trades wipe out your account.
It's about PIPs and KPIs, not dollars!
Don't get stuck on the almighty dollar. That's just a newbie mistake. Everyone's chasing the holy grail and making x amount of dollars every month and they forget about what matters. Pips. If you aren't making pips consistently then you won't be profitable in the long run. Sure, it's not exciting to trade with 0.01 or even 0.1 lots but that's not the point. If you're not making profits at 0.01 lots then you aren't making profits with 1.0 and you just saved yourself a bundle.
When you are consistently making pips, then only then can you scale your lots. Slowly increase your lot size, week after week. And when you are hitting a losing streak, you go back to a small lot size and figure out your mistake or what changes you need in your strategy.
It takes discipline. Otherwise you're just gambling and beginner's luck always runs out.
Vienna, Austria
Thursday, 19 May 2016
Cabin Fever
How do you like my new office here in Vienna Austria?
This is one of the best tips I have gotten here in Europe. Visit a library, there are plenty of desks with power plugs and free internet. I totally forgot how libraries here have "Lesesaals" (Reading Halls) that are used by students to get away somewhere to study in peace and quiet. They are free to boot.
I used to be able to trade from home, I remember spending many mornings in Vancouver in my pj's trading the US Market from about 6am to 10am and then chatting with traders till the Asian open around 4pm where I would take a break.
It was fun at first but soon I started feeling drained, bored, and had signs of cabin fever. Still do. I go stir-crazy in the same place for too long. I also like public places or offices as it forces me to put my head down and work, no distractions and interruptions.
Sometimes all you need is a change of scenery to get a new outlook on life. Same goes for trading. Change your currency, try a different chart template, and look for technical patterns that you can repeat.
I used to be able to trade from home, I remember spending many mornings in Vancouver in my pj's trading the US Market from about 6am to 10am and then chatting with traders till the Asian open around 4pm where I would take a break.
It was fun at first but soon I started feeling drained, bored, and had signs of cabin fever. Still do. I go stir-crazy in the same place for too long. I also like public places or offices as it forces me to put my head down and work, no distractions and interruptions.
Sometimes all you need is a change of scenery to get a new outlook on life. Same goes for trading. Change your currency, try a different chart template, and look for technical patterns that you can repeat.
Vienna, Austria
Monday, 9 May 2016
Trading Foundation
Lately I have been meeting a lot of people interested in taking my trading course and they all pretty much want to take a course but are afraid to take it, aren't comfortable taking it, or don't have the money to invest in their education. And of course the fear of all the scams out there, all the get rich quick schemes. Guess what?
I guarantee you will NOT get rich overnight from Forexbut with some hard work and the right foundation you can live comfortably
You see I am selling everything here in Phuket Thailand and plan n traveling, after all I'm the traveling day trader ;) I just find that a life on the road, without commitment, with freedom, on a permanent vacation is the way to go. After all YOLO and there is so much to see and do in this world.
Almost everyone I've met through selling my household items, gadgets, and sports equipment, I ended up talking to for over half an hour about trading and my lifestyle. Now that I'm moving I'm meeting like minded people and almost wish I stayed longer. Putting my trading mind to work I analyzed and deduced that this is no coincidence, for one I'm meeting like minded people because they are buying stuff from me that I also enjoyed and have an interest in, and secondly because they are mostly foreigners like me here in the land of smile. I'm likely projecting a go happy lucky attitude and more open to striking up a conversation because I feel free as a bird.
I remember the first training course I took was US$999 but it was a client of mine and he comp'd it. So sure I took it because it was free but I would have gladly paid that money because I'm a big believer in education. College and University fees are much more and if I'm going to take a certification course for management consulting it's in the thousands.
Sure it's a lot of money, but is it?
Can you afford not to invest in your education?
The analogy I like to use is that of a golfer. There are 3 types of golfers:
1. The one taking lessons from a Pro
2. The one trying it on their own
3. The one trying it on their own and eventually turning to a Pro.
Which one do you think does best? and which one do you think needs to have all their bad habits retrained which takes even longer and will cost you more time money and effort in the long run.
If you're serious about trading, or anything else in life that makes you money, you need to invest in yourself and your education. It takes 10 years to become an overnight success, and you can get a headstart by taking a course from a professional coach. Or don't. But don't act surprised if you loose 3 times the money you would have invested in a coach and end up dreaming about Forex while working 9 to 5.
I guarantee you will NOT get rich overnight from Forexbut with some hard work and the right foundation you can live comfortably
You see I am selling everything here in Phuket Thailand and plan n traveling, after all I'm the traveling day trader ;) I just find that a life on the road, without commitment, with freedom, on a permanent vacation is the way to go. After all YOLO and there is so much to see and do in this world.
Almost everyone I've met through selling my household items, gadgets, and sports equipment, I ended up talking to for over half an hour about trading and my lifestyle. Now that I'm moving I'm meeting like minded people and almost wish I stayed longer. Putting my trading mind to work I analyzed and deduced that this is no coincidence, for one I'm meeting like minded people because they are buying stuff from me that I also enjoyed and have an interest in, and secondly because they are mostly foreigners like me here in the land of smile. I'm likely projecting a go happy lucky attitude and more open to striking up a conversation because I feel free as a bird.
I remember the first training course I took was US$999 but it was a client of mine and he comp'd it. So sure I took it because it was free but I would have gladly paid that money because I'm a big believer in education. College and University fees are much more and if I'm going to take a certification course for management consulting it's in the thousands.
Sure it's a lot of money, but is it?
Can you afford not to invest in your education?
The analogy I like to use is that of a golfer. There are 3 types of golfers:
1. The one taking lessons from a Pro
2. The one trying it on their own
3. The one trying it on their own and eventually turning to a Pro.
Which one do you think does best? and which one do you think needs to have all their bad habits retrained which takes even longer and will cost you more time money and effort in the long run.
If you're serious about trading, or anything else in life that makes you money, you need to invest in yourself and your education. It takes 10 years to become an overnight success, and you can get a headstart by taking a course from a professional coach. Or don't. But don't act surprised if you loose 3 times the money you would have invested in a coach and end up dreaming about Forex while working 9 to 5.
Sunday, 1 May 2016
What sets successful traders apart from the rest? There will be good times and bad times. That's life. You might not see the bad side because you don't realize it or there is more good than bad. Or you are over-confident, or delirious. Like a lot of newbie traders that talk about how easy Forex is and how they are using this "awesome" indicator. Then they tell you they haven't been profitable.
Consistency is the differentiator. Anyone can have a positive trade, but can you consistently produce profits?
The challenge for most traders is that they want to make big money and are chasing the big fish, ignoring the schools of small fish around them. That translates into some happy days with a big ass BBQ and all your friends over, bragging about your catch, and many dull empty netted days of stories of how the fish got away. And excuses why the big fish (the big trade) got away.
People that are successful don't blame outside circumstances, success comes from within.
We can't control circumstances or how the market moves but we can control how we respond to it. Without emotion. No matter what you do in life, you have to master you emotions. Fear and greed get you every time.
Trading is a Process
Where are you today, where do you want to go, and how are you going to get there.
No shortcut. Follow your process. Do what you have to do.
Some people journal, I recommend it, but I don't do it. I do look over my trades, replay them, the losses and the winners, then I look for the consistent profit.
Trade with a small lot size until you make consistent profits and slowly increase your lot size. That's consistency.
No matter what your skill set or bank roll. You need build a foundation and realize no matter how much you think you know, you really don't. You need to experiment, try different trades, have a good preparation and review process. No matter what your trading style is, consistency is the only way to get you positive results. Add passion, commitment, perseverance, and you have a winning mindset.
Markets Change, Your Consistency Should Not
Strategies come and go. Traders that adapt consistently are the ones with the edge. There are no strategies that work for life. That's a big mindset shift for most newbies who believe every new strategy they hear or read about works every time, dismissing all the bad setups that are downright losers. You are beyond lucky if your strategy works for a year or two. Don't take it personally when there are signs of your strategy underperforming. Consistently review the market, validate existing, and search for new patterns. You have to be pro-active. It's part of the process. And you better be consistent ;)
Tuesday, 26 April 2016
Getting a Thai Driver's License in Phuket
A few months ago I got pulled over at a Thai Road Check. I don't even remember how often I have gone through them without a hassle. My Canadian license has always been fine but just in case to avoid any hassles I got an International License.
If you are new to Thailand you have to be aware that you are held liable for any accidents (even when you are NOT at fault!) if you don't have an International Driver's License (IDL) and even your IDL may not hold up for insurance purposes if you have been in the country for longer than 3 months.
Mutual Acceptance of driving licenses. Most countries, including Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the UK and the USA have this agreement with Thailand under the 1949 Geneva Convention on Road Traffic or the 1968 Vienna Convention on Road Traffic.
This time it was different. The Thai cop wasn't sure about it and asked a Tourist Police Officer, a British Expat and funny enough the British Cop had an attitude and said it wasn't valid. Of all the stories I hear about corrupt Thai Police, I have never ever experienced any corruption or harassment from Thai Police, they have been super friendly and just. But not this British Tourist Police old grump...
There wasn't much I could do but pay my 500B fine and keep going, shaking my head and cursing a fellow "Farang".
The analogy I would use is that when you're a trader you think your broker looks out for you, but some brokers (especially those with dealing desks) are actually trading against you. So be sure to research your brokers and switch at the first sign of any shady business.
Your Thai Driver's License is more than just a license. It is also your ID as it has your Passport number on it (no need to carry copies of your passport around) and can be used to:
When police see your Thai license they give you a big grin and wave you right on through while other Farangs queue up to have their papers inspected.
At hotels or airport the staff usually perk up and they make some conversation with you about it.
The process for a new driver's license (motorbike or car) is quite similar to the renewal process. Note: There have been some reports that for new licenses citizens of the UK and US have not had to take a road test.
The first time you get a 2 year temporary license (used to be 1 year). If you have a Tourist Visa or Education Visa you have to renew every 2 years. With a work permit, marriage, or retirement visa you can renew for 5 years.
Overall it's not too bad BUT if you are like me and old a Tourist or Education Visa then repeating the run around (a good couple days for all the paperwork, videos, tests etc) is a pain. At least now it's every two years! If you can then pick a cool period of the year or a cool day so you don't have to do this in 40C temperatures!!
If you're a trader like me, you really need to pay attention to the time you spend on paperwork and licenses, I tell you one thing, at 40C temperatures it really drained me and felt like the last two days were an entire week of running around. But it's over and at least now I can drive through road blocks with a smile and I bet I won't even get asked for my drivers license, funny how that works.
When you're trading you also need to have your paperwork handy for any withdrawals, so be sure to open up a FREE 2GB Dropbox Account to store copies of all your IDs, including your new Thai Driver's License, and bank statement and utility statement copies to verify your trading account and initiate transfers. More on Dropbox here.
If you are new to Thailand you have to be aware that you are held liable for any accidents (even when you are NOT at fault!) if you don't have an International Driver's License (IDL) and even your IDL may not hold up for insurance purposes if you have been in the country for longer than 3 months.
Mutual Acceptance of driving licenses. Most countries, including Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the UK and the USA have this agreement with Thailand under the 1949 Geneva Convention on Road Traffic or the 1968 Vienna Convention on Road Traffic.
Things that make you go hmmm....
This time it was different. The Thai cop wasn't sure about it and asked a Tourist Police Officer, a British Expat and funny enough the British Cop had an attitude and said it wasn't valid. Of all the stories I hear about corrupt Thai Police, I have never ever experienced any corruption or harassment from Thai Police, they have been super friendly and just. But not this British Tourist Police old grump...
There wasn't much I could do but pay my 500B fine and keep going, shaking my head and cursing a fellow "Farang".
The analogy I would use is that when you're a trader you think your broker looks out for you, but some brokers (especially those with dealing desks) are actually trading against you. So be sure to research your brokers and switch at the first sign of any shady business.
Getting your Thai Driver's License (in Phuket)
Chiang Mai and Bangkok click hereYour Thai Driver's License is more than just a license. It is also your ID as it has your Passport number on it (no need to carry copies of your passport around) and can be used to:
- check into domestic flights
- check into hotels
- at the bank (even to change your address or request extra passbook pages you need ID)
- at the cell phone stores (to apply or change services)
- at National Parks, supposedly! There are rumors that you should get Thai prices at National Parks but I have always been subject to the Farang tax.
When police see your Thai license they give you a big grin and wave you right on through while other Farangs queue up to have their papers inspected.
At hotels or airport the staff usually perk up and they make some conversation with you about it.
The process for a new driver's license (motorbike or car) is quite similar to the renewal process. Note: There have been some reports that for new licenses citizens of the UK and US have not had to take a road test.
- Document Check @ Information - Be sure to show up at 8am
- Copy of Passport Information Page
- Copy of Thai Visa and Entry Stamp (Visa Exempt Stamps are not valid)
- House Certificate (you need to get this from Immigration and requires your rental contract, house owner id, and registration)
- Doctor Medical Check - you need to see a doctor (100B) or stop at any Hospital (200 to 500B) to get a Medical Check for Drivers License
- If renewing then your old drivers license
- Photocopies can be done cheaply in the booth outside next to the food kiosk, but the lineup might be long.
- Office #7 for Reflex and Color Blindness Test - You put your paperwork in the bin at the entrance, sign in and wait for the officer to call you, then you sit down and drive a simulator, you put your food on the gas and when the green light turns red then you slam the brakes. You do this about 3 times and then you have to name of the colors that appear on the traffic light. Which btw aren't coordinated with the position so red might be where green is and yellow where red and so on.
- Training Room - Before you used to watch a 1.5 hour video in English that looked like it was made in the 70s, it was quite informative. Now there are 3 videos that are in Thai with English subtitles, they still looks old, circa 2000, and they are quite long. Also it is more interactive, you will find the Officer talking in Thai and asking questions, and then there will be a Farang round for questions. Before you used to be done by noon but now it goes to lunch, you get a break, and then have to come back again at 1pm and watch the remaining video and have more questions asked. Before you leave you get your paperwork back and it has a test chip card attached to it.
- Exam Room - Someone greets you and sits you down infront of a kiosk, they take your chip card, enter it, and the test starts. You get 50 random questions, which might repeat themselves, and pick 1, 2, 3, or 4. Want to study? Here are examples of the questions (with answers).
When you are done, the system will tell you what questions are wrong and let you review the question and answers. If you are doing two licenses, motorbike and car, you have to do the test twice. - Renewing License - If you passed and you are renewing then you're done! See Payment (last step)
- Road Test for New License* - If you are getting your license for the first time then you have to endure a Road Test. Often you have to come back the next day for the road test and it's usually @ 1pm for Motorbike and around 3pm for cars. In scolding hot temperatures, so bring water! Or buy some at the food kiosk next to the entrance to information.
Note: There have been some reports that for new licenses citizens of the UK and US have not had to take a road test.
The instructor here is your typical macho man that likes to make fun of Farangs and blurt out orders. You have to wait until the instructor calls your name and at that time you get your bike/car, hand the second officer your papers, and take the road test. - Motorcycle Road Test - You have to show that you can balance your motorbike by driving on a 1.5 foot wide strip of elevated pavement that's about 15 feet long. You wouldn't believe how many people can't do that. You get two tries.
Next up you have to drive around a traffic circle. Remember to turn left into it... you wouldn't believe it but some people turn right... and then go down a road, turn right, go through some pilons set up and demonstrate you can swerve your motorbike around them, then go up a hill, stop at the stop sign, (some people go straight thru 555) and then return back to collect your paperwork and verdict. There is an officer in the booth watching you from a far and traffic cameras, so don't do anything foolish. - Car Road Test - Slightly more difficult because you have to demonstrate parallel parking, but the Thai way which is a super exaggerated turn at almost 90 Degrees opposed to the 45 or so Degree Farang way. Best to google some videos on you tube and watch the people taking the test before you. This is the only time you want to be a farang, in other words, you are queued at the end of the testers. The instructor usually ignores you and speaks only Thai, makes fun of Farangs, and then finally talks very broken English and says watch this person take the test. I have seen spouses guide their wife's from the nearby fence and it took them a painful 15 minutes and 20 tries with near hits of the fence... Bring Popcorn! When the officer is satisfied you drive around the traffic circle, swerve around some cones or poles, and then drive up a hill, stop at the stop sign, continue, park your vehicle outside and return back to get your paperwork and verdict. There is an officer in the booth watching you from a far and traffic cameras, so don't do anything foolish.
- Payment - You go to information, get a queue number for payment at wait infront of Office #1/2. When your number is called you pay up, 205B for car and 155B for motorbike. Then you go to Office #4/5 to get your picture taken, another 220B in my case. Wait again and off you go with a smiley face and shiny new Thai Driver's License!
The first time you get a 2 year temporary license (used to be 1 year). If you have a Tourist Visa or Education Visa you have to renew every 2 years. With a work permit, marriage, or retirement visa you can renew for 5 years.
Overall it's not too bad BUT if you are like me and old a Tourist or Education Visa then repeating the run around (a good couple days for all the paperwork, videos, tests etc) is a pain. At least now it's every two years! If you can then pick a cool period of the year or a cool day so you don't have to do this in 40C temperatures!!
If you're a trader like me, you really need to pay attention to the time you spend on paperwork and licenses, I tell you one thing, at 40C temperatures it really drained me and felt like the last two days were an entire week of running around. But it's over and at least now I can drive through road blocks with a smile and I bet I won't even get asked for my drivers license, funny how that works.
When you're trading you also need to have your paperwork handy for any withdrawals, so be sure to open up a FREE 2GB Dropbox Account to store copies of all your IDs, including your new Thai Driver's License, and bank statement and utility statement copies to verify your trading account and initiate transfers. More on Dropbox here.
Sunday, 24 April 2016
Keeping Your Cellnumber Valid
Here you are in a foreign country and you want to keep your cell number. After all you have memorized it and given it out to your friends. Perhaps you have it set up to receive SMS messages with your bank account updates. What do you do. Can you keep it? Without paying monthly fees?
I live in Phuket at the moment and plan on traveling more again. I'm using AIS because IMHO it is the best provider in Thailand, it used to be state owned, and now is privatized. Their 4G is good and their plans are as low as 299B for Voice, Text, 4G Internet, and Wifi. That's less than $10 a month.
Of course you don't want to pay unnecessary monthly fees when you are away. So what do you do?
And how do you keep your phone number valid for the duration of your absence?
Not in Thailand? Just ask your local cell provider what you can do. Many have similar tricks.
Keeping Your AIS Thai Cell Number Valid
I live in Phuket at the moment and plan on traveling more again. I'm using AIS because IMHO it is the best provider in Thailand, it used to be state owned, and now is privatized. Their 4G is good and their plans are as low as 299B for Voice, Text, 4G Internet, and Wifi. That's less than $10 a month.
Of course you don't want to pay unnecessary monthly fees when you are away. So what do you do?
And how do you keep your phone number valid for the duration of your absence?
- Switch from Post Paid to Pre Paid (from Monthly to Prepaid) -Make sure you do this on your last billing cycle to get optimum benefits of your plan.
- Subscribe to a prepaid plan until you leave Thailand - for just 199B (less than $7) you can get an Internet only plan that allows you to receive voice calls and text messages for FREE. Any calls you make are only a few baht per minute / text.
- Subscribe to International Roaming - This way you still get SMS text messages. But careful, if you answer your phone, make calls, or send messages, international roaming fees apply.
- Top up with 20Baht (less than $1) pre-paid credit for every 30 days you will be away - Here is the thing, if you buy a prepaid plan or top up your credits, you only have 30 days validity. That's no good if you are out of the country. I talked with AIS Customer Service and they recommended this hack, because you get CONSECUTIVE days of validity for every top up. So 10 top ups are 300 days. Best to see them at a store. If you forgot to do this in the country you can log on to their website and try topping up online. Or have a friend do it for you.
Not in Thailand? Just ask your local cell provider what you can do. Many have similar tricks.
Tuesday, 19 April 2016
Killing Time
Here you are trading the Forex Market, travelling the world, or living the life of a digital nomad. No doubt you are a jetsetter and always on the go, doing something. Successful people (and traders) typically don't sit still, neither do travel bugs.
Sometimes however you have time on your hands. Perhaps it's a long layover... a long-haul flight... maybe you have an injury that needs heeling... you caught a travel bug... sun stroke.. your latest culinary adventure has you spending more time worshipping the porcelain god... or you simply have a lot of time on your hands because you only trade like an hour a day...
Sure I could go on about doing sports, yoga, etc, but lets face it, you are likely a tech savvy person, inspiring to be one, or you simply want to take advantage of what technology hast to offer.
Here are some ways to kill time:.
Sometimes however you have time on your hands. Perhaps it's a long layover... a long-haul flight... maybe you have an injury that needs heeling... you caught a travel bug... sun stroke.. your latest culinary adventure has you spending more time worshipping the porcelain god... or you simply have a lot of time on your hands because you only trade like an hour a day...
So what do you do when you have time to kill?
Sure I could go on about doing sports, yoga, etc, but lets face it, you are likely a tech savvy person, inspiring to be one, or you simply want to take advantage of what technology hast to offer.
Here are some ways to kill time:.
- Kodi TV & Exodus - This is a great Interface for Streaming and Torrents. You can use it on your laptop or buy a cheap Android TV box and install it. First download Kodi TV (formerly XBMC) and then install Exodus
UPDATE January 2017: You can now download Free Telly, which makes Kodi & Exodus Install even easier!!Download FREE TELLY HERE. - Trakt.Tv - This is a great site for keeping track of what TV show episodes you have watched. Best part is that it synchronizes with multiple apps like Kodi and DuckieTV
- Duckie TV -chrome app for keeping track of your favorite TV episodes, has a calendar view and lets you search for torrents on multiple sites.DuckieTV
- German MediaThek - ORF, ZDF, ARD, and all the other Austrian / German / Swiss Broadcasting Stations have online stream. AND you can download the TV series you like, for example Tatort, the longest running Crime Show in the world, running since 1970 and up to Episode 1000 or so.
But wait there is more. You can download German MediaThek Shows with this hack. It's a MeditaThek downloader: http://www.chip.de/artikel/ORF-Mediathek-Download_47276441.html - Online Streams - Your favorite TV Broadcasting Stations will have streams you can enjoy overseas. I like watching the CBC's Dragon's Den for example and guess what I can also get it with torrents :)
- http://player.fm - Postcasting is back. There has been a resurgence of quality content. Player.FM synchronizes your podcasts across your devices and with your PC and Laptops.
Monday, 18 April 2016
Don't Pack Aspirin
A few days until your trip and you are in panic mode, what should you pack?
You're off to a foreign country and while you decided to pack light, suddenly you are thinking about bringing aspirin, multi-vitamins, sunscreen, boxes of band-aids, disinfectant spray and so on.
All you need to worry about is underwear and socks. Seriously that is what I found the hardest to find in South East Asia and from talking to other travelers, digital nomads, and expats, they agree that in third world countries those are items hard to find. Unless you want to wear tighty whities and grandpa socks Made in China that are 100% synthetic and who knows what chemicals they contain.
Shoes are another important item. Especially hiking shoes if you intend to go for a decent hike. Be sure to break them in. Sure you can find shoes just about anywhere in the world, but are they going to be a good quality and will they have the style you like in your size? In South East Asia you just need to walk into a shoe store and they see your size 11s and will quickly wave you off "no have".
Or you can pay full on regular price for a shoe you can get back home at a discount and really don't like at all.
Really all you need is a couple shorts, some shirts, underwear, socks, and shoes. Everything else you can pretty much grab on the road. Of course you want to research your destination a little bit to ensure the item you want to buy isn't more expensive and hard to find where you're headed. Like that crazy 30% import tax on foreign made products in Thailand that can go up to 100% for some appliances.
You'll also want to check the voltage, and you're better off bringing a NutriBullet if the voltage is compatible. It doesn't hurt to do a quick google search for <your country name> online shopping <appliance name> to see what prices are like and what's readily available. Like dishwashers and countertop dishwashers in Thailand, forget about it. Plastic storage containers in Thailand, sure but same price as in Canada. Unless you want to go down to "Supercheap" and try your luck at one Made in China.
The point is, don't pack the Aspirin. In Thailand for example you won't find it at most Drugstores but sure enough every Pharmacy sells them dirt cheap and in strips of 10 so you don't have to lug around an entire bottle. Not that I'm a fan of Aspirin anyway, although I did once nurse some plants back to health by crumbling some up and spreading it in the soil.
Oh yeah the one thing I tend to always pack is some Viennese Coffee from my travels to Austria Europe:
When it comes to trading, the same logic applies. Don't get every single indicator you can find or someone raves about. There are so many schmucks trying to flog their dashboards, indicators etc.
Guess what, they all pretty much show you the same thing in a different way. You'll get by with just a handful. 3 maybe 5 at most. Pick a few Moving Averages like SMA 50, 200, MACD, Bollinger Bands and you're good to go. Click here for some more advanced indicators I created.
The point is, don't get tempted to over analyze, and keep it simple. Pack your undies, socks, wear your best all around shoes, buy flip flops at the beach, and bring enough clothes to fit in a bag pack.
Digital Nomad,
Saturday, 16 April 2016
Coworking Office Spaces in Thailand
For digital nomads and expats alike, having an office space can be a must to separate work & life or when space is limited at your accommodation.
Office spaces can be rented in Thailand at reasonable rates however with it comes added headaches, drama, and overhead expenses. Unless you have a business visa & work permit and intend to run a business that's brick & mortar or has several employees, I wouldn't recommend it. And even then... why run a business in Thailand, but that's another story.
Coworking Office Spaces are open concept workspaces with your typical office equipment. Wifi, Computer Desks, Office Chairs, lounge areas, a reception, and break room facilities. Some coworking spaces even offer mail box services. Really convenient but as always, remember in Thailand you always want to ship with EMS or registered mail and only to secure locations/people.
Simply put, you can work in isolation, focus on your work, away from distractions at your home, and still part take in water cooler talk if you want.
Packages start at only a few dollars per hour and you can purchase different packages like weekly, monthly, or block packages of 10 hours and more.
The best part is that you aren't committed to your typical 1 year lease and ongoing monthly expenses.
Regus is one coworking space I would NOT recommend. They are expensive and remind me of a bank that has so much red tape and bureaucracy that they are more of a hassle than a convenience.
UPDATE: A new website has emerged that has simplified finding a coworking space! Shared Desk
Here is a list of coworking spaces in Bangkok thanks to Chris The Freelancer:
Office spaces can be rented in Thailand at reasonable rates however with it comes added headaches, drama, and overhead expenses. Unless you have a business visa & work permit and intend to run a business that's brick & mortar or has several employees, I wouldn't recommend it. And even then... why run a business in Thailand, but that's another story.
Coworking Office Spaces are open concept workspaces with your typical office equipment. Wifi, Computer Desks, Office Chairs, lounge areas, a reception, and break room facilities. Some coworking spaces even offer mail box services. Really convenient but as always, remember in Thailand you always want to ship with EMS or registered mail and only to secure locations/people.
Simply put, you can work in isolation, focus on your work, away from distractions at your home, and still part take in water cooler talk if you want.
Packages start at only a few dollars per hour and you can purchase different packages like weekly, monthly, or block packages of 10 hours and more.
The best part is that you aren't committed to your typical 1 year lease and ongoing monthly expenses.
Regus is one coworking space I would NOT recommend. They are expensive and remind me of a bank that has so much red tape and bureaucracy that they are more of a hassle than a convenience.
UPDATE: A new website has emerged that has simplified finding a coworking space! Shared Desk
Here is a list of coworking spaces in Bangkok thanks to Chris The Freelancer:
I'm planning my next adventure and stumbled upon this awesome coworking website. Appears to be global and UI is similar to your AirBNB type of websites, easy to use. Quite slick!
Bangkok- Hubba - Ekkamai http://hubbathailand.com/
- Pah Creative Space - Ekkamai www.pahspace.com
- The Hive - Phrom Phong http://thehive.co.th/
- One Day Forward - Klong Toei http://www.onedaybkk.com/forward_type_price.html
- Wolf Coworking Space - Silom http://wolfwork.co/
- Launchpad - Silom http://www.launchpad.co.th/
- Draftboard - Chit Lom http://draftboard.co.th/
- Pah Creative Space - Ekkamai www.pahspace.com
- The Hive - Phrom Phong http://thehive.co.th/
- One Day Forward - Klong Toei http://www.onedaybkk.com/forward_type_price.html
- Wolf Coworking Space - Silom http://wolfwork.co/
- Launchpad - Silom http://www.launchpad.co.th/
- Draftboard - Chit Lom http://draftboard.co.th/
Here is a list of coworking spaces in the rest of Thailand thanks to the facebook group Digital Nomads Thailand
Koh Phangan
Koh Tao
Krabi (Ao Nang)
Koh Lanta
- Star Work: https://www.facebook.com/StarWorkChiangMai
- Mana: https://www.facebook.com/manaspacechiangmai/
- Pun Space:
Nimman: https://www.facebook.com/punspace
Tha Phae Gate: https://www.facebook.com/punspacethaphaegate
- Mana: https://www.facebook.com/manaspacechiangmai/
- Pun Space:
Nimman: https://www.facebook.com/punspace
Tha Phae Gate: https://www.facebook.com/punspacethaphaegate
Koh Lanta
- Kohub*: https://www.facebook.com/kohuborg
Koh Phangan
Koh Tao
- Tao Hub: https://www.facebook.com/TAOHUB.THAI/
Krabi (Ao Nang)
- Phansa Space: https://www.facebook.com/phansa.space/
- Anchor Space: https://www.facebook.com/anchorspace
* means it also provides accommodation
Ao Nang,
Chiang Mai,
Digital Nomad,
Koh Lanta,
Koh Phangan,
Koh Tao,
Thursday, 14 April 2016
Traveling Light
Traveling light is the way to go. Sounds simple right?
Sure. It is, until a few days before your trip and you realize you need ID, Documents, your favorite MP3s, Audio Books, Pictures, your trading logs, EAs, MQLs, PDFs of trading strategies, etc, etc etc. and your carry on is only 7kg!
Thankfully there are better ways to store all your documents and backups of import documents like your passport, drivers license, credit cards, social insurance number, bank statements, visa documents, travel itineraries etc.
Clearly Degoo gives you far more space. So why bother with Dropbox?
Sure. It is, until a few days before your trip and you realize you need ID, Documents, your favorite MP3s, Audio Books, Pictures, your trading logs, EAs, MQLs, PDFs of trading strategies, etc, etc etc. and your carry on is only 7kg!
Thankfully there are better ways to store all your documents and backups of import documents like your passport, drivers license, credit cards, social insurance number, bank statements, visa documents, travel itineraries etc.
Clearly Degoo gives you far more space. So why bother with Dropbox?
- Two Backups are better than one! Both applications have android apps and windows clients.
- Dropbox allows you to sync between multiple computers and devices. Meaning you can edit your work files, such as an mql indicator or expert advisory on one machine and it will update the files on another machine, for example your VPS.
- Degoo is more of a backup tool that is linked to one computer. So you can backup your work files periodically and recover them if need be. To allow syncing you have to upgrade to the pro version.
My recommendation is to use Dropbox for files you intend to update and sync across computers regularly and to use Degoo to back up all your files.
Tuesday, 12 April 2016
New Perspective
Here I am in Rawai, Phuket Thailand sitting at my house and looking forward to traveling to get away and then I see this video...
...and I realize, hey I'm living in a pretty cool spot. Funny how we perceive things that aren't at all what they are. Like newbie traders that say they are doing well, in the same conversation they tell you they haven't been profitable... ever!
Sometimes you need to step back and take a "bird's eye view" (like in this video) to do a quick audit on yourself and where you are.
Same goes for... you guessed it.... trading.... sometimes you are so caught up in trading that you are losing sight of the bigger picture. For me it goes back to the days where I made 10% profit consistently. A DAY! It started with per month, then per week, then per day. And then it derailed a little when I got greedy and had 200% days and -50% days.. the rollercoaster that probably all traders go through.
Until the day I took trading seriously, stopped making greedy and stupid mistakes, set some rules, and followed them. Trading hasn't been as much fun, but I sure don't miss the rollercoaster of draw dawns.
Sometimes you need to step back and take a "bird's eye view" (like in this video) to do a quick audit on yourself and where you are.
Same goes for... you guessed it.... trading.... sometimes you are so caught up in trading that you are losing sight of the bigger picture. For me it goes back to the days where I made 10% profit consistently. A DAY! It started with per month, then per week, then per day. And then it derailed a little when I got greedy and had 200% days and -50% days.. the rollercoaster that probably all traders go through.
Until the day I took trading seriously, stopped making greedy and stupid mistakes, set some rules, and followed them. Trading hasn't been as much fun, but I sure don't miss the rollercoaster of draw dawns.
Thursday, 7 April 2016
When you're traveling you need money. You don't want to schlepp a wad of cash around with you and bank ATM fees add up quickly. Then there are ridiculous exchange rates.
If you are going to spend a lot of time in one country then it's best you open up an account there so you can easily transfer money between accounts. Or find a family member or friend whose account you can use.
Of course once you have a "local" account, you can still get dinged with wire transfer and bank fees. Wait times.
All in all it's just a hassle, yeah I know first world problems right? We are so used to using our debit and credit cards, making online payments, online transfers, that we take it for granted.
Click here for a FREE Transfer
If you are going to spend a lot of time in one country then it's best you open up an account there so you can easily transfer money between accounts. Or find a family member or friend whose account you can use.
Of course once you have a "local" account, you can still get dinged with wire transfer and bank fees. Wait times.
All in all it's just a hassle, yeah I know first world problems right? We are so used to using our debit and credit cards, making online payments, online transfers, that we take it for granted.
What to do? Have a look at Transferwise
With Transferwise you can quickly and easily transfer money from a bank account in one country (and currency) to another bank account (and currency).Click here for a FREE Transfer
Friday, 1 April 2016
Crashed my Account again... I QUIT!
April Fool's. My account is just fine. I just thought I'd get your attention.
It's been a while since I crashed an account.
Here are some tips to keep your stress levels down:
It's been a while since I crashed an account.
Here are some tips to keep your stress levels down:
- DEMO: Don't trade with real money unless you have successfully traded your strategy in demo for some time
- LOT SIZE: I know you are going to trade with real money anyway, so at least trade with micro lots. 0.01
- Create multiple accounts with your broker
- Your main account should have the amount you are comfortable losing and walking away from
- Your other accounts are your backup accounts in case shit hits the fan. And it will.
- PROGRESSIVE LOTS: After each successful trade, double your lot size. 0.01 becomes 0.02, then 0.04, 0.08 and so on. Sure it's small but you are better of making small profits than taking huge losses.
- LOT SIZE: Find a lot size that you are comfortable with. Starting and Ending. Perhaps after SEVERAL MONTHS of consistent gains, 0.1 is a good start and 1.0 is a good max lot size.
Wednesday, 23 March 2016
Grab Taxi and Uber
So last week I was in the Philippines enjoying a vacation from the vacation. Great place, too bad about the crime, here is a picture of my Hotel Shuttle.
On a serious note, the Philippines is great to get away and enjoy dry air. It was heaven compared to the humidity in Phuket. Of course when traveling in South East Asia you never know if your taxi driver is ripping you off or giving you a good deal. Then there is the problem with Taxi drivers having absolutely no clue where they are going, many unable to read a map, or perhaps unwilling.
I tried Uber in Thailand once and the prices quoted there were ridiculous. More than the tuk tuk mafia! But then someone in the Philippines recommend Grab Taxi and I have to say I'm impressed.
Well Uber in my opinion is just a headache and they compete with taxi companies.
Grab Taxi on the other hand joint ventures with taxi companies and has a much better interface.
On a serious note, the Philippines is great to get away and enjoy dry air. It was heaven compared to the humidity in Phuket. Of course when traveling in South East Asia you never know if your taxi driver is ripping you off or giving you a good deal. Then there is the problem with Taxi drivers having absolutely no clue where they are going, many unable to read a map, or perhaps unwilling.
I tried Uber in Thailand once and the prices quoted there were ridiculous. More than the tuk tuk mafia! But then someone in the Philippines recommend Grab Taxi and I have to say I'm impressed.
What is the fuss about Uber and Grab Taxi?
Well Uber in my opinion is just a headache and they compete with taxi companies.
Grab Taxi on the other hand joint ventures with taxi companies and has a much better interface.
Why you should use Grab Taxi
- Joint Venture with Taxi Company
- Choose between Metered Taxi, Sedan, Luxury Vehicle, and SUV
- Fares are estimated for metered Taxi and fixed price for other vehicle types
- GPS with Map Locations so you don't even need the address and you can do keyword searches like airport, ferry, mall etc
- Secure & Safe - License Plates shown with driver info, you can share your trip via email and social media to ensure you arrive safe
- Receipts - all receipts are emailed to you
- Drivers have GPS Driver app and know where they are going
- No fees*
- *Schedule Rides - i.e. An early morning trip to the airport. This is the only feature that you are charged a very small fee for.
Manila, Metro Manila, Philippines
Thursday, 3 March 2016
Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead
About 3 weeks ago I watched Fat, Sick, & Nearly Dead and ordered a juicer just a few days later. It's been two weeks now and I have slowly been juicing more and more, and loving it!
Today I start my 7 Day - Reboot with Joe - Juice Fast. Only fresh vegetable/fruit juice (80:20) and no solid foods, sugars, coffee, wheat, or dairy. I had my last espresso (I'm down already from 4 doubles to just one) and ate all the "normal" food and junk food that I have so that I won't get tempted or break down. I'm excited!!!
Juicing is a little bit of work but if you buy and wash your produce at the same time and juice first thing in the morning for the day, and leave your juicer out for any impromptu cravings, then it's not that bad. I don't have a dishwasher here in Phuket, seems in Thailand everyone believes in the old fashioned way... but if I did.. boy would it be easier.
It's good to keep your body and mind healthy, and detoxing your body once in a while can help with that. Ever since I started juicing I feel better and am calm and focused. Yoga, weight training, and my sunset walks around Lake Nai Harn or swimming at Nai Harn Beach help too.
As a trader you need to keep focused and sharp. Even if you "feel" healthy and don't have to take an prescription medication, I highly recommend you look into "detoxification" and watch this movie:
Wednesday, 2 March 2016
The Ujjayi Breath
Yoga Breathing or Pranayama, is the foundation of your yoga practice. This deepening of your breathing helps you stay focused and calm while doing yoga poses, especially difficult ones. You will find "breathing" is the foundation for many sports and exercises, allowing to push yourself, and really enjoy your work out.
I was introduced Ujjayi Breath in Phuket at the Traditional Ashtanga Yoga Shala in Phuket when I first got into Ashtanga Yoga. The instructors, a Russian couple were simply great and I really advanced my Yoga skills. Ujjayi btw means victorious.
Breathing especially helped me advance my practice, it's funny how some of the most important fundamentals, that we do without thinking, are often overlooked, never mind improved or perfected.
I was introduced Ujjayi Breath in Phuket at the Traditional Ashtanga Yoga Shala in Phuket when I first got into Ashtanga Yoga. The instructors, a Russian couple were simply great and I really advanced my Yoga skills. Ujjayi btw means victorious.
Breathing especially helped me advance my practice, it's funny how some of the most important fundamentals, that we do without thinking, are often overlooked, never mind improved or perfected.
Lately I have been finding myself applying breathing exercises when I hit the gym. I have been bulking up a little, following the "Body for Life" plan that I followed back in the day, alternating days of cardio and weight training with a simple meal plan.
So circling back like a Seinfeld episode, what does Ujjayi Breath have to do with Forex? Well if you want to be "victorious" in trading you need to have to be calm and focused. While breathing can help here too, it can go "deeper". A set of systems, safeguards, and standard operating procedures. And a lot of analysis. What exactly depends on you. Just stay calm, and keep trading ;)
Monday, 22 February 2016
Google Play Store Keeps Crashing
The other day I dusted off my old Samsung Tablets to use them as an Alarm Clock for trading the Asian Forex Session and my older Samsung Tab 7 didn't want to update...
Technology is Great... When It Works!
There is nothing more painful than not being able to install or even update existing apps. Every time I went to update "Market" (yep that's right, I bought it before Google Play Store was launched...) I get an error and have to do a force stop.Then I started thinking ok, obviously I can't be the only one that has this issue and started searching and found some answers at Android Central, but despite there being some great tips, I was still stuck with the problem.
Then I got thinking, you know there has to be an apk for that!
So I googled, and sure enough found an Android Application Package (apk) for Google Play Store at apkmirror, an executable file that can be run to install apps, and installed it.
Now I'm back in business and can run Tune In Radio to stream my favorite music station, Toronto's 102.1 The Edge and not only that, but I can set it as an alarm to wake to and get up in time to catch the Asian Session.
PS: If you are still unsuccessful getting your apps to work, then try searching for a Legacy APK. For example google "Legacy APK Metatrader" or "Legacy APK Instagram" etc and search for an apk dated around the time your device was discontinued or matching your Android Version (found in Settings >> About Device) and download and install. It's a little time consuming but lets you at least use the apps!
Another option is to try and getting someone to upgrade your device to a newer Android Version.
Wednesday, 17 February 2016
Is Nutella Healthy?
Growing up I didn't get to eat a lot of Nutella. ...and I'm glad! Here is why:
What most people don't realize is that it's about 80% crap and a very small amount is made up of hazelnuts. To put it in perspective, if you spread Nutella on a slice of toast, you are consuming one hazelnut, a pinch of cacao, and the rest is sugar, palm oil, and skimmed milk powder. Hardly the breakfast of champions.
If you're like me though, you love the taste. Well the good news is you can make Nutella yourself, a healthy version that you can eat guilt free every day!!
Home Made Nutella Recipe
- Hazelnuts
- Maple Syrup
- 100% Cacao
- Almond Milk (optional)
The key is roasting the Hazelnuts first. Just spread them out on a backing pan and put them into your oven at 190C (370F) until you can smell that awesome toasted hazelnut smell and they turn darker in color. About 10 to 15 minutes.
Let them cool down and then put them in your blender or food processor. A small blender will do. They are actually easy to grind. Blend them for a bit then add 2-3 tablespoons of 100% Cacao. Blend again. Then add a tablespoon or so of maple syrup. Blend again and taste. Add cacao and maple syrup as you see fit. You'll be surprised how little maple syrup you need to make it sweet and tasty.
Optionally you can add water or almond milk to make it creamier and blend again.
That's it! How healthy is that!!? If you are able to restrain from eating it all then you should keep it in the fridge and eat it within a week.
What does this have to do with trading? Easy, keep your body & mind healthy and reward yourself with a treat once in a while.
Sunday, 3 January 2016
Trading Mantra
Happy New Year from Vienna Austria!
This time of the year can be tough for the avid traders. The markets are slow or erratic, and if your account balance is down, it seems like eternity to make it back. If you're in the plus you are no doubt enjoying a well deserved time off!
2016 is here and with that you might want to consider revisiting your routine. Here is mine:

- Trading Mantra - read every trading day"I will follow my system, review trades carefully, and not jump into trades at the spur of the moment. Risk/Reward Management will govern my lot sizes, TP and SL. I shall no longer baby sit trades and trade with confidence, accepting losses and cashing in profit without fear nor greed. I will not discuss my trades with fellow traders and instead focus on my own systems and strategies, driven by results and confidence. I will balance my life in all areas of life: health, wellness, relationships, financial, spiritual. I will lead, not follow. Forever a student of life and the Forex Market. It's better to trade alone and not to talk to anyone about it."
Lieber Alleine Traden und mit Niemanden darĂ¼ber Reden! - Review Forex Calendar - identify potential trading times
- Review Charts - focus on 3 or less currencies - Mine are GBPUSD, EURUSD, and AUDJPY
- Trendline Analysis - starting with Monthly going all the way down to H1 for big picture.
- Signal Analysis - when trade conditions are met, Trendline analysis will be repeated for all time frames, including lower time frames, and market conditions (upcoming news, ranges, price action) will be reviewed.
- Trade Monitor - identify partial TP, Trailing Stop, and Stop Loss. Only add to positive trades. Close out negative trades if market conditions have changed and wait for a new opportunity.
- No Overtrading
- Celebrate Profits
- Analyse Losses
- Enjoy Life
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